DevOpSmartBoard - Query Work Items


DevOpSmartBoard -The Ultimate End-To-End and One Stop Dashboard solution for all the reporting needs in Azure DevOps at organization and project level. DevOpSmartBoard is currently in preview and has the following reports available:

·         DevOps Organization and project level metrics

·         Query work items with various combination of filters and export to excel

·         User Audit: count of User licenses and types, and display non-active users (not used Azure DevOps from last 30 days)

·         Traceability from Epic to granular level Tasks

·         User Capacity across Teams & Projects

·         Project Health

·         Reports on Azure Pipelines at organization levels


DevOpSmartBoard is published in Marketplace.




In this blog we will discuss about Query Work Items Page. This report provides option to query work items across projects that is at the organization level, with many options to filter the data. The following information will be displayed in the report page:

In the first section of the report, the Azure DevOps Organization will be selected, or you can choose the organization from which you want to see the work items. Once the Organization is selected, the report will display all the work items with filters to choose Team Project and Work Item type. You can choose the work item type, to see the list of the particular work item at the Organization level.




Or you can choose the Team Project, to see all the work items for that project. After selecting Project option few more filters will be displayed like Assigned To, Sprint/Iteration and State.



The next section displays work items based on the filter selections. In the below image you can see the list of work items at the Organization level. It also displays the total count of work items for the selection at the bottom of the table view (highlighted in below image).

In the below image you can see the list of items for the selected project and optional filters.


This report provides an easy way to access all the work items across project and you can slide and dice the data with filters. And one more advantage is you can export this data to excel and share with others. Other reports and charts are explained in another blog, you can search other DevOpSmartBoard related blogs by searching the tag DevOpSmartBoard . For more details contact us at